• medical

    How to maintain a healthy liver

    The liver in the human body is an indispensable organ that performs several roles. It participates directly in the digestive and blood purification process. This article focuses on the latter function and its regulation of conditions such as diabetes. The liver also plays a role in the regulation of our metabolism. Liver diseases and disorders do not reveal their symptoms until the problems get more complicated. It’s important to keep your liver healthy to prevent illnesses such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver failure, Hepatitis, and jaundice. Here are some ways to maintain the health of your liver which in turn translates to a healthier body.

    Alcoholic abuse

    Any good thing consumed in large quantities becomes harmful – alcohol is no exception. When consumed in large amounts it brings about liver cirrhosis which is simply a liver failure. It is important to check your rate of alcohol intake or abstain from it and any other drug altogether.

    Watch the weight

    slim womanWhen you relax on healthy eating habit or exercising, obesity kicks in. Obesity remains one of the main causes of for a fatty liver. In this condition, a dangerous accumulation of fat in your liver brings about liver damage. Opt for freshly-cooked home-made foods rather than nutritionally poor fast foods. Always throw in a fresh fruit in your diet and commit not less than half an hour to the workout. This helps you shed off excess weight.

    Avoid drinks or edibles when outdoors

    The human body is vulnerable to illnesses that arise out of consuming contaminated food or water. This remains one of the primary causes of Hepatitis E and jaundice, conditions that weaken the liver. It would also be prudent to extend your level of caution to food joints that the standards of cleanliness remain questionable. During the rainy season, avoid having raw foods such as salads from roadside cart sellers. The best way to get rid of any strains of jaundice, boil your water.

    Things to abstain from

    A great way of preventing Hepatitis B is by indulging in unprotected sexual intercourse. It can also be contracted through tattoos and body piercings. Go for a reputable tattoo parlor service that operates on strict standards of hygiene, particularly the needles they use. Avoid using intravenous drugs that any other hallucinogenic substances.

    Foods consumed

    Include avocados and garlic into your diet. They help in flushing out toxins in the liver. Beetroots are another alternative, rich in flavonoids, and great for the liver. Compounds present within broccoli are proven to ease the digestive process. The curcumin present in turmeric also helps in bile production.

    Get checked regularly

    doctorAdopting all these measures is not enough till you get a liver functioning test(LFT). This test should be performed on a regular basis. At the same time, you should seek your doctors” advice when taking in supplements that contain iron and assist your liver function healthily. Getting access to quality health care that remains affordable is not easy.