Do you know that doing a 30-minute rowing machine exercise routine can help a 185 –pound individual burn 377 calories? Accordingly, it is even possible to burn 500 calories with only 20 minute rowing machine exercise!
The fact that rowing machines can help us lose calories in such magnitude may seem unbelievable. When we see rowers at sea, they seem to be rowing effortlessly. But still, knowing that rowing machines are efficient calorie-burning devices is good to hear, even for us who may be doing our morning exercises in a more subtle manner.
Besides being an effective calorie burner, a rowing machine is an excellent device to achieve many health benefits. This is because of the following reasons.

Provides Total Body Workout
Unlike other exercise modalities that cater to only a section of the body, a rowing machine is good for almost all parts of our bodies. Besides the pecs, upper back, abdominal muscles, and all of the upper extremity muscles, a rowing machine can also strengthen the calves’ muscles, thighs, and buttocks. This should negate notions that rowing exercises are only good for the upper body.
Ideal for All Fitness Levels
Exercising with a rowing machine or sometimes called an ergometer, is scalable. This means that you can increase the intensity if you like or when you are ready. For starters, it is better if they begin their routines at low-intensity workouts. This means that rowing machines can accommodate all people of different fitness levels.
Considered a Low-Impact Exercise
While prolonged rowing exercises can cause low back pain and other muscle strains, it is still considered a low impact exercise. This means that it does not have damaging effects on our joints, unlike running and other strenuous exercises.
Has Calming Effects
Rowing exercises are not only good for the body, but it can be for the mind as well. You can incorporate it when meditating. Making slow and rhythmic rowing motion while focusing your mind on something else can have extensive calming effects on the body and mind. Making this a daily habit at the early hours of the morning with no distractions is beneficial for your mental health.
Suitable for Cardiovascular Health
A regular rowing exercise is a powerful cardio workout. It makes the heart and blood vessels perform better and achieve their optimum health condition. This will improve blood flow, which carries nutrients to all parts of the body. Besides the cardiovascular system, rowing exercises are also good for the lungs as it increases lung capacity.